Female Cryopreservation

With the advent of cryopreservation, people are now endowed with the proper tools to store biological samples for use at a future date. Female cryopreservation is specifically important for the umbilical cord preservation of reproductive potential and therapeutic options. The process involves freezing one or several unfertilised eggs, meaning those not combined with sperm, to save them for later. The thawed eggs are then fertilised in a laboratory so embryos can be implanted into a woman’s uterus. Oocyte cryopreservation is being investigated as one type of fertility preservation. It may be helpful to women with cancer who would like to have children after undergoing radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or some form of surgery, which can lead to infertility. Also, it is known as egg banking, egg cryopreservation, and egg freezing.

Female Cryopreservation

Benefits of Female Cryopreservation

Timelines vary, and it’s important to understand that female cryopreservation can help benefit couples who are:

1. Delaying Pregnancy

Most women who opt for freezing their eggs have reasons for delaying having a baby until they are in their 30s or early 40s. After age 30, the quality and number of eggs begin to decline, meaning less possible capability to conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy. For women desiring delayed pregnancy for personal reasons, freezing more superior-grade eggs during the 20s is advisable.

2. Preimplantation Genetic Testing

A woman who is fretting over passing specific genetic disorders to her offspring can undergo embryo genetic testing before freezing them. An embryo free of genetic disorders can then be screened out and considered for purposes of uterine implantation.

3. Women Who Need Radiation or Chemotherapy

There are numerous methods of cryopreservation and different treatments for male or female cancer. Agents such as radiation and anti-cancer drugs will target the DNA of the egg and sperm cells that are resulting in dramatically lowering viability. Women who wish to become pregnant but discover that they’ll require intensive cancer therapy may have their eggs cryopreserved for use when they finish their treatment.

4. Unwanted Frozen Embryos Increase Opportunity for Pregnancy

In cases where the implantation of a single frozen embryo fails to deliver pregnancy, several frozen embryos are transferred to facilitate a chance occurrence of pregnancy. This is the only benefit associated with cryopreservation. Thus, it allows the availability of multiple frozen embryos that can be transferred over years.

Applications of Cryopreserved Umbilical Cord

The umbilical cord is a source of stem cells that is extremely promising for today’s medical practice and tomorrow’s innovation:

Current Uses:

  • Stem Cell Therapy: Helps treat blood diseases, such as leukaemia, lymphoma, and sickle cell anaemia.
  • Supports the Immune System: Helps recover patients after bone marrow transplants.
  • Tissue Repair: Helps restore damaged tissues, accelerating the healing process for wounds.

Future Potential: 

  • Regenerative Medicine: Umbilical cord-derived stem cells can one day be the source of organs.
  • Personalised Medicine: Offers individualised treatment according to the genetic profiling of a patient.
  • Neurological Disorders: Research studies indicate the potential for application in treating Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and cerebral palsy conditions.

3-step Cryopreservation Process at KHPL

Here are the 3 vital steps that KHPL’s expert doctors opt for during the cryopreservation process.

Ovarian Stimulation and Egg Retrieval

The initial process involves ovarian stimulation through hormone injections that help the ovaries produce several mature eggs. The duration is about 10–14 days and includes ultrasound checks and blood tests. Upon maturation of the eggs, they are retrieved through a minimally invasive procedure with mild sedation, allowing for a healthy yield of oocytes.

Vitrification Egg Freezing

The eggs are then frozen using a rapid freezing process called vitrification, which prevents the formation of ice crystals. The eggs are treated with a cryoprotectant and cooled rapidly to preserve their structure and genetic material. Additionally, it enhances the chances of successful fertilisation and implantation later.

Storage in Cryogenic Conditions

The frozen eggs are preserved in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. Such cryogenic conditions keep the eggs viable for years. Each egg is safely labelled and logged, enabling women to preserve their fertility until they are ready to start a family.

Why Choose Us?

KHPL is unique in the field of cryopreservation as it combines excellence, state-of-the-art technology, and individualised care. This enterprise ensures that the safe and effective preservation of samples is achieved by utilising state-of-the-art cryogenic facilities manned by experts in the field of cryobiology and reproductive medicine and strictly following international protocols. Their reputation for custom care and reliability has made KHPL a favourite among many families seeking secure cryopreservation.

Best Sexologist in Chennai Dr. Kamaraj

Need more information?

Start the process of securing your future today with KHPL's cryopreservation services. Our team is here to guide you through every step, ensuring your experience is hassle-free and empowering.


When is the optimal age for egg cryopreservation?

Egg cryopreservation is done at the most optimal age when the eggs are of the best quality, that is, from 20 to 35 years. However, the procedure may be done at any age if one’s circumstances require so.

Cryopreserved samples may be kept in perpetuity as long as conditions are proper. They will never lose their quality.

It is a minimally invasive process as it is achieved under appropriate medical supervision, resulting in minimal inconvenience.

Yes, if that is a closer genetic match, umbilical cord stem cells can be effective for siblings among other family members.

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Dr. T. Kamaraj

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MBBS degree and advanced qualifications in obstetrics and gynaecology
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Dr. J. S. Jeyarani Kamaraj

Infertility Specialist

MBBS degree and advanced qualifications in obstetrics and genecology, including an MD and a Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGO)