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Blastocyst Transfer

Blastocyst Transfer Thousands of couples every year opt to go through IVF fertility treatment in order to increase their chances of conception. If you and your partner are considering an IVF procedure, then you may have heard of many successful procedures performed using blastocyst transfer. Blastocyst transfer is becoming more and more popular and may help you to increase your chances of IVF success.

What is Blastocyst Transfer?

Until recently, eggs fertilized by IVF or ICSI were transferred to the uterus after two or three days, when the embryos were at the two-to-eight cell stage.

With recent advances in laboratory techniques, embryos may be transferred after five or six days when they have reached a more advanced stage of development known as a blastocyst.

To date, it seems that the only advantage of this technique is to be able to limit the number of healthy-appearing embryos transferred following IVF and thereby decreasing the rate of high-order multiple pregnancy.

Typically, if a patient’s embryos successfully reach the blastocyst stage, two blastocysts are transferred. By lowering the risk of multiple gestation, the likelihood of a successful term pregnancy is increased